Working Out in London "Body´s Work Gym"
For me it was a great experience, love the atmospherein London. Especially in this old school gym, people are very into their own work...

Don't Forget To Breathe - ShortFilm By Darwin Reina
Darwin Reina Has Finally Finished Shooting His Don't Forget to Breathe and It Only Took 5 days to shoot it. and 1 Year of Pre -...

Don't forget to Breath (No te olvides de Respirar) Director: Darwin Reina Written by Lee Bailes & Darwin Reina Produced by Rubi Rios,...

La premiere Jaska the Killer 3, La saga de un asesino "Jaska" de Darwin Reina, película producida por DRTV Productions y 3R Films que...

Time-Lapse with GoPro London - England
Time-lapse videos are quickly taking over the world of travel photography and I am being part of it. Whether it’s clouds, stars, sunsets...

Gold´s Gym - Venice California
Out of all the gyms, this is probably the one that most people want to visit, and specially ME because it's considered the...

Working with Actors
Well, dealing with actors is dealing with people with feelings, emotions and so on, well As starting directors filmmakers we are gonna...

Filmmaking - Darwin Reina
FILM MAKING is pure art, I think is all about imagination! I am pretty sure of that! well, I must definitely learn more but I try to keep...